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What is a podcast?

A podcast is like a radio show, but unlike a radio show, you can listen to it anywhere, anytime. It's published on the internet and so it's available to anyone in the world with access to the internet. 

The advantages of a podcast are that it's free and you can listen to it whenever and wherever. Most people listen to podcasts while commuting, exercising, doing chores or just unwinding. You can listen to it on your smartphone through one of the podcast apps explained below (the most common way), or on your desktop or in your car through Bluetooth. 

Culture Atlas Trailer
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3 ways to listen to Culture Atlas

1. To listen to Culture Atlas on your desktop, go to the Episodes page here and choose the episode you want to listen to and play the audio embedded in the post. 

2. To listen on your smartphone (the most common way), you can access Culture Atlas through one of the three podcast apps (Apple Podcasts/Google Podcasts/Spotify). Make sure to subscribe (see instructions below) to ensure you're notified every time a new episode is published (it's completely free). 

3. To listen in your car, you'll also need to access Culture Atlas on your smartphone via one of the three podcast apps, then connect your phone to your car via Bluetooth. 

How to subscribe to Culture Atlas on your smartphone

1. Open the Apple Podcasts/Google Podcasts/Spotify app on your smartphone: if you're an iPhone user, swipe through the screens to find Apple Podcasts (built into all iPhones). If you have any other phone, you'll have to download the Google Podcasts app first by searching for it in Play Store. If you're a regular user of the Spotify app, you can also find the podcast there. 


2. Once you're in one of the podcast apps, enter "Culture Atlas" in the search bar.

3. Once you're inside the Culture Atlas podcast page, there should be a "Subscribe," "Follow" or "+" button near the top. Tap it and now you'll be notified every time a new episode is released! (Scrolling down, you can also listen to all the previously published episodes and leave a review).

How to Subscribe: iPhone Demo

EXTRA thanks to listeners who leave a review! You're helping to get the word out about the show so it can grow and tell stories about more places!

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You can also receive email alerts to new episodes of Culture Atlas by signing up below


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